
Recent Updates

Campus networking issues affecting the library systems have been corrected. The library systems and databases are operational again thanks to our ITS staff. (20231003/14:25)


The Moody Library librarians have created the Moody KnowBot tool to offer extended help to our students.
The Moody KnowBot has nothing to do with artificial intelligence. It is an automated rules-based system designed by the HCU librarians to answer the most frequently asked questions regarding the library, its use, as well as a technical help section. Patrons will engage the chatbot聽when they click our Chat button and click through a robust list of choices to find an answer that satisfies their needs.聽While it is thorough, it is not comprehensive. There will continue to be a live chat option at various points in the selections, but it will not be everywhere. The Moody KnowBot will run 24/7 better serving our student’s diverse study needs. Students can submit a ticket anytime (and when Live Chat is not available) to which the library staff or faculty will respond on the next business day. Chatbot will also help reduce the number of missed chats ensuring that a greater number of students will be helped as the librarians or other campus personnel have written the answers. We encourage users to click the “I found what I need” to help us better gauge our success. A rating option is included when patrons “end the chat” and we encourage constructive comments for improvement.
We believe the Moody KnowBot will be a constant source of help and hope you find it a helpful and reliable resource!

Other News

  • TexShare EBSCO Databases: These databases have now been removed from the Library’s webpages as the contract ends this Thursday, Aug. 31st. Please note that this excludes ATLA, CINAHL, the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) databases, American Psychological Association databases, Mental Measurements with Tests in Print, and EBSCO E-books as we subscribe to these on our own.
    The society has released its digital scientific archives dating back over 300 years. It would be a great resource for classroom pedagogy,聽 your own research, and as a source for original undergraduate research projects.
  • New LibGuides Published
    • New LibGuides have been published with brief overviews of .
    • A common we get is, 鈥淗ow do I search or How do I start searching?鈥 If you have used the databases before and want to dive in further, you can save yourself a lot of time by practicing the techniques shared in this our LibGuide (a.k.a research guide), .
    • Knowing where to search and how to search can seem daunting. Never fear. Our new compares differences between several major multidisciplinary databases with CloudSearch. We also share tips on how to use them.
  • Need Help?
    We are here to help! or make an appointment with the tutoring center! Librarians are available:

    • Summer — Monday and Friday: 8am – 5pm (Unavailable on weekends, so please plan ahead!)

Technical Problems

If you are experiencing access issues to CloudSearch or any of our databases (EBSCO, ProQuest, etc.), we recommend following the instructions on our .